United Woman in Faith
United Woman in Faith, previously called The United Methodist Women, has several groups called "Circles" (listed below) that meet throughout the year, typically September through May, for fellowship, service, and to enjoy programs on a wide variety of subjects. As women united in the bond of spiritual fellowship, we extend an invitation to all women of the church and the community to join us for one of our monthly meetings. Want to get connected? Contact Jane Tyler by clicking here.
Legacy Circle - Usually meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30PM in the Bridal Parlor. These are women of all ages who enjoy a spiritual program each month and want to be connected to UMW activities but cannot attend daytime meetings. For their Mission Focus, they vary their support among many UMW initiatives.
Sisters in Christ - Mostly mothers of older school-aged children, this group may enjoy a lunch meeting together or have a season where a Virtual Bible Study fits better into their schedules. Their Missions Focuses are The Living Vine and Wesley Community Center.
Circle of Love - Meets monthly, on a weekday morning, enjoying close fellowship and support of one another. Their MIssion Focus is the Inner City Night Shelter.
Good Samaritan Circle - Meets the 1st Friday of each month at 10:00am in the Green House in Room 101. We have a varity of programs, from guest speakers to serving in projects together. Their Mission Focus is the Wesley Community Center. They also financially support two children at the Christ Child's Nest, and sponsor a Christmas mission project.
Lunch Bunch Circle - Meets once a month at 12:00pm with a devotion or speaker. Ladies of all ages bring a sack lunch and often end the hour with a "hands
on" local mission project. Their Mission Focuses are Coastal Children's Advocacy Center, Christ Child's Nest, Local SonRise Servers
Circle of Grace - Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Bridal Parlor. Primarily mothers of young children, though all agres are welcome, these women support each other with grace and love through the seasons of life. Their Mission Focuses are SAFE shelter and Wesley Community Center, and they also participate in family-focused mission events throughout the year.